Christmas Playlist with artists from Saxony

To start the holiday season, here is a customs-made curated playlist, with bands coming from my constituency, Saxony.

The pandemic hit artists hard – and I want to give them a hand. Scan the QR-Code, listen to some fine tunes, and if you like them, donate or buy their music via Bandcamp. Like that we can continue enjoying their music for years to come!

I wish you the happiest and most relaxing holidays with your loved ones. Recharge your batteries as will I do to continue fighting for a green Europe and fair globalisation in the new year.


Support SHELTER BOY from Leipzig here.

Support baby of the bunch from Dresden, Leipzig and Berlin here.

Support Power Plush from Chemnitz here.

Support THE ELLA from Chemnitz here.

Support Paulina Pank from Dresden here.

Support Tooth Paint from Chemnitz here.

Support Baumarkt from Chemnitz here.

Support zweatlana from Leipzig here.

Support Leftover Lemons from Chemnitz here.

Support Hotel Rimini from Leipzig here.

Support ÄTNA from Dresden here.